Le Bataclan, Nice, Bruxelles, Utoya, Pittsburgh, Christchurch… Terrorism , bomb attacks, nationalist, political and religious radicalizations … What can we do today about the alarming rise of intolerance and of  violence ?

The comics trip MADE OF LEAD AND BLOOD which is the first episode of the project History Board,  has two young people plunging into the upheaval caused by the attempts which affected Germany and Italy in the seventies .

What would you have  done ?

Now it is your turn to find yourself involved in those « years of lead »  and to help Alessia and Pete avoid getting caught into the chain of events that will ou may lead to the worst.

Imagine yourself in their shoes,  to understand and decide how you would react to prevent History from leading to the worst.


Digital comic and regular comic will be available in 2019

360° device

episode 1 : made of lead and blood

Italy 1977, activist groups set the streets on fire .

European history is now confronted with radicalism and the rise of extremism.

This episode centers round three actions and the global project is enriched with a catalog of new titles.

The interactive comic book

To resist or not ? Two young students faced with an upsurge of violent actions and history in the background

the paper comic book

The events seen from the point of view of the people in the street, in the heart of Bologne,  the historical approach

an enriched travelling exhibit plus app books

An exhibit about the theme and the creations  meant to travel in Europe

At the beginning…

Project genesis 


The aim was to give the young the means to understand Europe as it is today so as to « live it » better together. The aim was to share an urge, the urge to live in a better world, a brighter and more desirable one.

The foundations  of a society that fights back extremism, violence and hatred and that remains to be built. Finding out what makes these moments of violence in Europe so particular, yesterday and today, represents the paths that are exploited here to trigger within the readers the conditions of complex radical thoughts fuelled by active and civic awareness.

Here  are the aims of the group of creators who have built this project.




The production


Under the guidance of Aix-Marseille university it is a collective of creators from France, Tunisia and Italy who are committed to making Made of Lead and Blood, episode one of the History Board Project.

History Boards…. 


History Board is a transmed creative project whose aim is to shed a new light on radicalism in Europe and to make the young reflect about yesterday and today’s societies and also about intolerance  whatever shape it may take on. Our intention is to figure out, by resorting to fiction how young people  living in today’s world would interpret and mobilize their culture, their values, networks and technologies in order to promote a pacified vision of the world .

This project has the approval of Europe Creative Programme which supports the audio-visual, cultural and creative sectors in Europe. The  various ways of supporting the project have encouraged its actors to work throughout Europe, to reach out to new audiences and to develop the required skills in the field of digital technology. It revisits a historical event which illustrates one of the forms of violence in our contemporary world.

An international team

Sophie Saffi, France

Martine Sousse, France

Seif Eddine Nechi, Tunisia

Prune Lieutier, France

Marin Garrigues, France

Carmela Lettieri, France

Catherine Teissier, France

Nemo Lieutier, France

Mario Punzo, Italy

Abdelaziz Belkhodja, Tunisia

Bernard Mosse, France